Saturday, July 26, 2008

Problems with Plastic?

As my intention with this blog is not only to communicate with you empowering fitness tips, movements and current research, but to also add sprinkles of green living so we can all live and breathe easier in a clean environment (internal and external).

I would like to share with you my problem with plastic and my journey with it do date! No, I am not talking about credit cards. I am talking about all the other plastic we encounter on a daily basis. Water bottles, food containers, storage containers and health and beauty products just to name a few. My issue began last Christmas when I decided that it was time for my partner and I to begin using glass containers for food storage (everything from pasta to dried cranberries) and for food preparation and the storing of afterwards for leftovers, reheating, etc. I try to live a conscious life, with emphasis on protecting the environment whenever possible. I had enough of plastic, had read enough articles on the negative affects it had on the environment and some of the possible links to cancers and other diseases. However, what was I now to do with all these plastic containers I had encountered over the years? I couldn't just throw them out, wouldn't that be creating more waste and wouldn't they either sit in a landfill for many years or travel a far distance and endure intense procedures and energy to recycle any products? But what is a girl to do? Of course I wanted the new glass storage containers, and wanted enough to replace all the plastic I had. So I recycled most of the plastic storage containers that we had, came up with creative storage containers for paper products and office supplies, donated some, and then kept a few in case of emergency. I know, what kind of emergency will you have that you just HAVE to have a container to put something in, even if it may contain harmful chemicals that could strain my respiratory system, or taint our blood. My partner, who has graced a more environmentally conscious life with open arms (thanks baby!) insisted that he would not take glass containers to work and that he would probably just break them during the transport from home to work, etc. So, I kept a few, for those few days he packs a lunch.

Maybe its time to go through some of your plastics and see what you have hiding under your cupboards. Take a look at the number on the bottom of any containers you may have, including those that are in the fridge or grocery store and see how it corresponds to the info below:

On the bottom of your plastic product there will be a triangle with a number. Correspond the number on the plastic to the number below.

1. PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthlalate), safe and recyclable
2. HDPE (high density polyethylene), safe and recyclable
3. Vinyl or PVS (polyvinyl chloride), not safe, not recyclable
4. LDPE (low density polyethylene), safe, recycling available in some places. See if your local grocery store has a plastic bag recycle program.
5. PP (polypropylene), safe and recyclable in some areas.
6. PS (polystyrene), not safe, recycling available in some areas.
7. PC- safety unknown, not recyclable
PLA (polyactide), safe, not recyclable but can be composted.

If you haven't made the switch from plastic to a more environmentally friendly product I challenge you to start now! Why not pick up a sturdy, durable and fun looking stainless steel water bottle. Sigg is a very popular company making these eco-friendly and reusable bottles, but many others are popping up. You have probably seen some in your neighborhood as more people begin to make the switch.

Be environmentally friendly....Go Green!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

CanFit Pro Conference - Toronto 2008

If you are looking for something fun and motivating to do this summer and have fitness on your mind why not check out the CanFit Pro Health & Wellness conference in Toronto this August 14-17th. Held annually at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre this conference packs in thousands and thousands of fitness enthusiasts, including personal trainers, yoga instructors, massage therapists, and MANY MORE! Now, you may be thinking that you wouldn't have any interest in a continuing education event for health professionals, maybe you prefer being a fitness enthusiast and concentrating on your own workouts and active living. Check out the conferences Consumer Wellness day ( held on the Saturday of the conference. Sure to inspire and motivate you in taking your fitness to the next level. Be educated on how to move with a purpose and create a sound and healthy life.

Looking to join in on an Aquafitness session? Check out my Workshop, Aqua Blast, on the Friday evening, with high intensity kickbox inspired movements in an interval training atmosphere. Looking for some muscle conditioning and powerful movement? Why not try my Powerful Progressions workshop held on the Sunday morning. Powerful Progressions is a two part series, with a lecture and workshop based component. Don't forget to attend the Opening Ceremonies on Friday, with internally renowned fitness expert Kathy Smith and many of the other wonderful, knowledgeable and passionate presenters. Some of my favourites include; Laura Warf, Juliane Arney, Douglas Brooks, Dr Len Kravitz, Peter Twist, Charlene Kopansky and Connie Jasinskas.

I hope to see you at the upcoming conference!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Learning to let things go

Wow, it has been a very long time since my last post. Or should I say a VERY VERY VERY long time. For a while there seemed to be a whirlwind of activities happening within my life, including the completion of the 250 hour yoga teacher training course, the purchase of a brand new home (and our first!), work, work, work, and oh, yea the development of the business and various projects. It came to a point where I needed to let things go. To stop grasping and holding onto things that were not in line with my life's purpose and what I really wanted to accomplish. However, the art of letting things go is usually alot harder than it is to just say you will do it. In a whirlwind of various things to complete (and yes, I add things to my To Do list that don't really need immediate attention, its the over organizer in me!) a clear thought crossed my mind. JUST LET IT BE! Let it go! I was not being mindful with my work and activties as I was just trying to get everything completed, instead of being totally present for each task at hand.

The past few months have been spent looking at what I want to accomplish and do and what is aligned with my life's purpose, hopes, wishes and desires. I have spent many of days drawing out the things that mean the most to me in my life and what I really would like to do and accomplish. I am now spending time doing the same for the company, ensuring that both are aligned with not just a purpose, but a purpose that is meaningful and works towards my life's purpose.

Needless to say there have been many ups and downs, but most important I feel more free. Free from letting things go that I didn't need to hold on to anymore. Things that I didn't need to keep on my to do list. So here is a big hooray for moving forward and being mindful along the way in order to ensure I stay aligned with my purpose and goals.

So now that I have shared maybe there is something that you would like to take the opportunity to let go. Don't be afraid, just think of how free you will feel afterwards!
